I think I am going to start doing some things over at Associated Content for some extra cash. I just signed up tonight and it looks like that I can write about anything that I like. Sports being something that I like so I figure I can write some stuff on my favorite sports. It's not going to be anything like writing fiction, I am sure, but at least I'm writing.
I kind of feel like no matter WHAT I am actually writing, that if i am tapping these keys on this keyboard and those taps turn into words, then dammit, I'm writing. It doesn't really matter what the subject matter is, does it?
So, I think I might try to churn out 5-10 articles per day just to see what i can make out of this. I want to try to get into some freelance writing anyway and maybe this will help me. After all, this WILL be published, even if it IS just online.
I want to thank Misti Sandefur from Life of A Writer for posting the info for AC. Just think, Misti, you may have just given me my start in freelance! Maybe Ill autograph something for you when I make it big :D. go check out Misti's blog as well...it is one of my favorites and i read it daily!
More later, folks!
Good luck, Jerry!
I tried to leave you a message earlier. I wanted to visit your AC CP page, but couldn't find you there. Drop by and leave the url to it on my blog, I'd love to link to it and subscribe to your content. I'm on AC, too, but you've probably seen the link on NEC.
Teige...thanks for the well wishes!
Writingallnight...I havent really written anything for it just yet. Im still reeling from the job loss. Im going to try to get things going tonight or tomorrow though. email me at writingislife55 at gmail dot com and Ill send you a link to it all when I send something up.
can't wait to see you there Jerry, been there forever myself.
Thanks Tina! Got a lot going on in the past and next few days, but Im gonna try to get something up soon!
You keep writing, and the more you write the more you'll enjoy it. However, don't just depend on AC, submit those queries to other markets as well; trade markets and regional magazines are a great placing for beginning freelance writers to break in.
Thanks for the link love, and do keep me updated on everything with your writing; I'll be watching your blog for those updates... and ditto on the autograph.
Never give up on your dreams -- work toward them,
Misti Sandefur
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